Thursday, July 9, 2009

The important of silaturrahim...

The above entry is about the importance of maintaining silaturrahim among kinship.BasicallyI know from experience (22 years old over so far) as well as through my observation just how close, even magical, relationships between brothers and sisters and parents can be, but I have a different take on the reason. From a child's perspective, I think what's uniquely important about a silaturrahim is that it is long lasting and it gives us strength as well as confident to face the hard time in life.People say'air dicincang tidak akan putus' dan begitula hubungan persaudaraan walau terpisah jauh sekalipon tetap tidak akan pupus dan luput dari ingatan.Therefore in my personal view,maintaining Silaturraahim (Family Ties) is an Islamic obligation and it need to be taken seriously into account."Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him maintain the bonds of kinship." [Sahih Al-Bukhari] Besides, another hadith explains further the reason for this: "Allah's mercy will not descend on people among whom there is one who severs ties of kinship." [Baihaqi, Shuab Al-Iman]Therefore,we should obey Allah's rules that we need to maintain good relationship among kinship.Sesungguhnya Islam adalah agama yang terbaik dan amat menjaga umatnya terutama dalam hal2 kekeluargaan dan menjaga perhubungan baik sesama kaum keluarga dan sesama islam..Wallahua'lam..segala yang baik datangnya dari ALLAH dan segala yang kurang baik adalah kelemahan saya sendiri...