Monday, April 27, 2009


Before I begin to compose the above topic, jom kita layan dulu salah satu lagu kegemaran saya sejak dahulu lagi iatu di zaman The Zikr sampai la zaman sekarang ni..tajuk dia isteri cerdik yang solehah...

Isteri cerdik yang solehah
Penyejuk mata, penawar hati, penajam fikiran
Di rumah dia isteri, di jalanan kawan
Di waktu kita buntu, dia penunjuk jalan

Pandangan kita diperteguhkan
Menjadikan kita tetap pendirian
Ilmu yang diberi dapat disimpan
Kita lupa, dia mengingatkan

Nasihat kita dijadikan pakaian
Silap kita, dia betulkan
Penghibur di waktu kesunyian
Terasa ramai bila bersamanya

Dia umpama tongkat si buta
Bila tiada satu kehilangan
Dia ibarat simpanan ilmu
Semoga kekal untuk diwariskan

Best kan lagu ni,terkesan dihati...
Now my dearest friends,brother and sister in Islam...Amongst the clearest examples of Islam's honoring women is the great status of the mother in Islam.Kenapa Islam meletakkan wanita di tahap tinggi?sehinggakan dalam islam hak ibu untuk dihormati dan disayangi lebih tinggi berbanding ayah.Others may claim that mother has more rights than father.Although the first part of this verse is a command to do good to both the parents, the second sentence refers only to the hardships suffered by the mother, because they are unavoidable, tanpa ibu we have no place rite??and no child can be born without them.Bagi I, every mother has to go through the problems of pregnancy and severe pains of delivery and,as against this, it is not necessary for a father that he suffers any hardship in bringing up and educating the child, if he can afford to pay somebody else for these services.Nampak tak betapa cantik dan adil ALLAH buat?? This is why the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has given more rights to the mother than anybody else. According to a hadîth he has said,"Do good to and serve your mother, then your mother, then your mother,then your father, then the near relatives and then those who come after them."

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